NAVIGATION: encoder > X7_ (eg_SinCos_Channel1) > Cyclic evaluation of digital encoders

Cyclic evaluation of digital encoders

Cyclic encoder evaluation via channel 1 (SinCos X7)

On channel 1 (SinCos, X7) digital encoders can be cyclically read. The selection is made via P 0505 ENC_CH1_Sel. The number of MT/ST bits is set via parameters P 0543 and P 0544.


P. no.

Parameter name/


P 0505 ENC_CH1_SEL Encoder selection for channel 1
(0) OFF (0) Function disabled
(1) SINCOS(1) SinCos encoder
(2) SSI(2) Digital SSI encoder
(3) TTL(3) TTL encoder
(4) EnDat(4) Digital EnDat 2.2
(5) HALL(5) Digital Hall sensor
P 0543 ENC_CH1_MultiT Number of multi-turn bits
P 0544 ENC_CH1_SingleT Number of single-turn bits
P 0553 ENC_CH1_PeriodLen Length of a signal period
P 0554 ENC_CH1_DigitalResolution Digital resolution (length of an increment)
P 0616 ENC_CH1_CycleCount Sampling time (x 125 µs)

Tabelle: Cyclic evaluation of digital encoders


As encoders with different protocol modes exist (with/without error bit, parity bit, etc.), LTi DRiVES GmbH should be consulted before using them.